Isolated thunderstorms early, then cloudy skies after midnight. Low 62F. S winds shifting to WNW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 30%..
Isolated thunderstorms early, then cloudy skies after midnight. Low 62F. S winds shifting to WNW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 30%.
Unapproved Minutes, Board of Commissioners of
The regular meeting was called to order at 8:10 a.m. on July 5, 2022. Present were Commission Chairman Jim Willox; Vice-Chairman Rick Grant; Commissioners Robert Short, Tony Lehner and Mike Colling; and County Clerk, Karen Rimmer. The minutes of the June 21, 2022, regular meeting and the June 13, 14, and 15, 2022 Work Sessions were approved and ordered filed. Mr. Lehner moved to approve warrants in the amount 3135039.17: 2261.68 2K; 13035.75 A Diamond Trucking; 2194.50 AT&T Mobility; 1354.32 Ace Calibrations; 245 Alcohol & Drug Testing Services; 1000 Alley, Linda S; 1055.22 ALSCO; 3967.16 Atlas Office Products; 1110.86 Atlas Premier Service; 1175.32 B&B Leasing Co; 271.25 Beer, Sara Nicole; 917.69 Big Horn Tire; 864.36 Bison Pump & Supply; 9807.38 Black Hills Energy; 33101.25 Blackburn Cattle Co; 245.70 Bliss, Mary; 4214.06 Bloedorn Lumber; 639.09 Bob Ruwart Motors; 250 The Body Shop; 1075.09 Bomgaars Supply; 4166.63 Boys & Girls Club of Douglas; 45 Briggs, Chad; 53.25 Brothers Propane; 1217 Bryan C Cropper DMD PC; 422.13 Carquest Douglas; 33.52 Casper Winnelson; 3417.50 Casteel, Robert; 25762.23 CDW Government; 29262.03 CenturyLink; 29.18 Chalk Buttes Landscaping; 248124.34 CIGNA Health and Life Insurance; 2921.35 City of Douglas; 124.95 City Shoe & Saddle Shop; 117.64 CMI-TECO; 805.56 Communication Technologies; 5000 Converse County Firewise; 157.88 Converse County Weed & Pest; 6666.72 Converse Hope Center; 811.50 Cornerstone Detention Products; 181.36 Cowardin, Darcey; 140.25 Cowboy Chemical; 191.63 CPS Distributors; 15.75 Cytocheck Laboratory; 150 Davies, Michael R; 1037.39 Decker Auto Glass; 13471.53 Delta Dental of WY; 1800 Dilts, Jerry J, Trustee; 1990 Douglas Broadcasting; 4869.50 Douglas Budget; 10.80 Douglas Business Center; 7500 Douglas Community Club; 4366.12 Douglas Feed; 96.76 Douglas Grocery; 618.17 Douglas Hardware Hank; 180 Douglas Med Spa; 395.99 Douglas Tire Center; 2649 Douglas Trap Club; 294.52 Doyle, Kellynne; 2802.50 DRU Consulting; 114581.56 Dustbusters; 45 Eastern WY College; 360 Edwards, Joanna; 21270 Election Systems & Software; 710 Emery Septic; 37079.60 The Enterprise; 895 The Eye Institute of WY PC; 328.31 Fastenal; 2931 Fish Window Cleaning; 79.37 Floyd’s Truck Center WY; 540 Fort Fetterman Sportsman’s Assoc; 495 Forterra Concrete Products; 1892.60 Freestone Midstream; 227.50 Gates, Jessica; 1050 Geotec Industrial Supply; 999.97 Glaxosmithkline Financial; 9951.51 Glenrock Chamber of Commerce; 9936.99 Glenrock Economic Development; 28.99 Glenrock Hardware Hank; 30 Glenrock Independent; 3000 Gorman Funeral Homes; 505.59 Grainger; 966.12 Granite Telecommunications; 162.92 Grant, Richard C; 93 GreatAmerica Financial Services Corp; 646 Greenwood Mapping; 147962 Greiner Ford of Casper; 27760.55 GSG Architecture; 150 Gudahl Williams; 268 H&H Electric; 390 Hansuld, Tia; 76.05 Harris Barbara; 157.24 Harris, Rebecca J; 4313.20 HDR Engineering; 231.75 Health Education Associates; 58.50 Henson, Tiffany; 110600 Highway Improvement; 362 Hilltop National Bank; 30 Hime, Dylan James; 75675.07 Homax Oil Sales; 29.25 Hubbard, Kyra; 10379.17 Human Resource Council of Converse CO; 3611.25 Hutchinson, Hal H PE; 1948 ICS Jail Supplies; 120 Inner Strength Therapeutic Massage; 82 Institutional Eye Care; 297.50 Jacklin, Jennifer O; 875.90 Jerrys Welding-Steel Fab; 11056.50 JM Trucking; 480 Joyful Living Massage & Wellness; 4113.24 K2 Technologies; 12762.75 KCK; 603 Laramie Range Water Treatment & Plumbing; 707.42 Lawson Products; 39.78 Lehner, Tony; 927.34 Lexisnexis Matthew Bender; 1977.62 Life Map Assurance Co; 11989.83 Lost Creek Holdings; 150 Lovitt, Craig; 347.94 Mallory Safety and Supply; 780 Marlin Business Bank; 420 Massage Therapy by Silke Hodges; 340.75 The Master’s Touch; 502.49 McKesson Medical-Surgical; 15765.75 McKillip Trucking; 778.58 McMaster-Carr Supply Co; 127402.78 Memorial Hospital of Converse County; 1805.91 Menards; 2485.40 Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp; 645.50 Meyers Tractor Salvage; 470.06 Motion and Flow Control Products; 3571.50 Motorola Solutions; 91.81 Mountain States Lithographing; 142 Natl Sheriffs Assoc; 1170 Natrona County Sheriff Office; 425 Newell, Grace; 3023.33 Newman Traffic Signs; 41.88 Niobrara Electric Association; 1198.58 Norco; 4822.85 Northwest Community Action Programs ; 225.21 O Reilly Automotive; 285.81 ODP Business Solutions; 72.70 OffenderWatch; 35 Office Ally; 349892.81 Oftedal Construction; 150 Ohnstad, Sam; 785.45 OK Wrecking; 12967.50 Olsen, Christie; 10241.69 On Target Ammunition; 247.00 Peak Fitness; 232.98 Peech, Benjamin K P; 896.93 Peterbilt of Wyoming; 150 Peterson, Justin; 29.25 Pimentel, Esther; 301.26 Pitney Bowes Global Financial Svcs.; 470.16 Pitney Bowes; 910.30 Plainsman Printing & Supply; 32964.75 Price Pumping Service; 18495.75 Price Trucking; 120 Pure Raine Salon; 750 Quadient Finance USA; 701.79 Quadient Leasing USA; 212.86 R & R Rest Stops of Casper; 316.25 R&S Northeast; 600 Rafilson and Associates; 1403.61 Range; 1574.47 Record Distributing; 700 Redwood Toxicology Laboratory; 1903.55 Renegade Off-Road & Driveline Repair; 24588.61 Rocky Mountain Power; 298 Rocky Mountain Wash; 1141.60 Ron s Supply; 597.26 Safety Kleen Corp; 128.60 Sams Club; 1207143 Sampson Construction Co; 30 Sandy’s Sewing; 172.94 Schubert, Arthur F; 3427.94 Shattos Frontier Drug; 332.30 Shepherd, Johnna; 29.25 Shuler Kristy; 6000 Sign Solutions USA; 400 Smith Psychological Services; 110.57 Smith, Heidi J; 236.25 Stanfield, Stephanie A; 16.75 State of WY; 4025 Stearns, Jane MS LPC; 511.19 Stericycle; 15625.49 Summit Food Service; 196.34 Super Vacuum Manufacturing Co; 1297.50 Top Office Products; 983.55 Town of Glenrock; 936.60 Trane US; 15 TrueNorth Steel; 4460.60 Tyler Technologies; 5334.70 U S Postmaster; 5608.50 Univ Of WY; 238.96 UW 4-H in Converse County; 5627.13 Valli Information Systems; 680.55 Verizon Wireless; 20533.42 Visa; 2030.99 Visionary Communications; 183.99 Vyve Broadband J; 5560 Weidenhamer, Leslie; 60275.60 Western Sunset; 1296.81 Willox, Tione M; 10988.25 WW Trucking; 4387.60 WY Behavioral Institute; 245 WY County Assessors Assoc; 16.63 WY Dept of Transportation; 24174.21 WY Machinery; 460 WY Public Health Laboratory; 40 WY Rigging & Industrial Supply; 731 WY Law Enforcement Academy; 300 Wyoming Work Warehouse; 492 Xerox Financial Services; 3750 Youth Development Services; 15834 Z Lazy Y Trucking; monthly reports for June: Assessor: 5637.13; Clerk: 45337.07; Clerk of District Court: 6064.09; Public Health 2615.56; Road & Bridge 96241.86; LTRC Data Entry Error, WGR Asset Holding Co. cancellation 41.93; VOID Warrant #61741 10.00 and #62060 30.00; Mr. Short seconded; the commission abstained from voting on warrants issued to themselves; motion carried. Mr. Colling moved to approve a certification for uncollectible debt in the amount of 230.00 as presented; Mr. Short seconded; motion carried. Mr. Short moved to approve a janitorial agreement between Converse County and Linda S. Alley for the Public Health building for two-year term in the amount of 1200.00 per month; Mr. Grant seconded; motion carried. Mr. Grant moved to reappoint Ms. Connie Glenn to the Converse County Library Board for a three-year term from 7/1/2022 to 6/30/2025; Mr. Lehner seconded; motion carried. Mr. Don Gushurst, Maintenance Director, and Mr. Chris Caskey, Technical Services Director, provided departmental updates. Mr. Joel Schell, Treasurer, provided an overview of the County Tax Relief Program per W.S. 39-13-109(c)(v) and (vi), and the Tax Deferral Program per W.S. 39-13-107(b((iii). The meeting recessed at 12:10 p.m. and reconvened at 1:00 p.m. Mr. David Hill, Devon Energy, provided updates on a submitted Notice of Industrial Activity; following discussion, the Commission approved a letter to be submitted to WYDEQ for the project. Departmental updates were provided by Ms. Holly Richardson, Special Projects; Mr. Russ Dalgarn, Emergency Management Director; Mr. Artie Schubert, County Surveyor; and Mr. Shawn Kornegay, Road & Bridge Foreman. Mr. Colling moved to appoint Ms. Donnie June Patton to the Converse County Library Board for a 3-year term from 7/1/2022 to 6/30/2025; Mr. Grant seconded; motion carried. Ms. Dixie Huxtable, County Assessor, provided a brief update on upcoming 2022 Board of Equalization hearings. The meeting recessed at 4:00 p.m. for a Board of Health meeting and reconvened at 9:00 a.m. on July 6, 2022. A general County business meeting of elected officials, department heads, and supervisors began at 9:00 a.m. The Commission reviewed and awarded 2022 Commissioner Renewal Scholarships. WYDOT presented the 2022 STIP (State Transportation Improvement Program). The regular meeting recessed at 12:00 p.m. and reconvened at 1:00 p.m. Mr. Tim Schenk, GSG Architecture, provided an overview of furniture, fixtures, and equipment for the CCJJC Phase 2 project. Mr. Short moved to approve the Acceptance Certificate for completion of the Brownfield Road project/B152040, and acceptance of full maintenance, as presented by WYDOT; Mr. Colling seconded; motion carried. Mr. Grant moved to approve Resolution 07-22, Adopting the 2022 Converse County Natural Resource Plan; Mr. Lehner seconded; motion carried. Mr. Grant moved to appoint Mr. Karissa Goossen to the Converse County Tourism and Promotion Board for a 3-year term, from July 2022 to June 2025; Mr. Short seconded; motion carried. The regular meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
Attest: /s/ Karen Rimmer, County Clerk /s/ James H. Willox, Chairman
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